It's time to use JukeDisc in your server.

JukeDisc is a multi-purpose bot ready to bring music and more to your Discord server.

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Why Choose JukeDisc?
Discover the incredible features of JukeDisc that will elevate your server.
Music & Playlists

Enjoy music and playlists with JukeDisc, making your server more entertaining. Play your favorite tracks, create playlists, and groove to the rhythm.

Filters List

JukeDisc helps you modify the music you listening through our +20 custom song filters!


Customize JukeDisc's functionality to suit your server's needs. Tailor the bot to fit your server's unique requirements.

Our Bot is in all over the Worldwide Coverage

Our developers worked very hard on this bot & we archive many things. Thanks to all the servers and users for using this bot

This bot was choosed by many servers they like the features of this bot. We have got many positive reviews on our bot

  • 2M+

    Total Users

  • 40k+

    Total Servers

  • 100+

    Total Votes


Frequently Asking Question’s

To play music with JukeDisc, follow these steps:
  1. Join a voice channel in your Discord server.
  2. Use the command /play followed by the name of the song or a URL.
  3. JukeDisc will join the voice channel and start playing the requested music.
To skip a song with JukeDisc, use the command /music skip in the text channel where JukeDisc is active. JukeDisc will skip the current song and play the next one in the queue.
  1. Use /playlist create <playlist-name> to create a new playlist.
  2. Use /playlist add <playlist-name> <song-name or URL> to add songs to your playlist.
  3. Use /playlist import <playlist-name> to start playing the songs in your playlist.
You can visit Ko-Fi Website and your plan!
Ready to try JukeDisc?
Invite JukeDisc and start enhancing your server's experience!

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